Using the Microsoft Graph API to upload files to a Library with more than 5000 items gives you a HTTP 404

UPDATE: Around the time of this blog post I added a question on StackOverflow about this issue, and a few months later it was responded to and resolved. This issue in the format mentioned below should no longer exist. I have decided to keep the post alive however as it may support any other issues now or in the future. The Microsoft Graph provides a very easy method to upload files to OneDrive or SharePoint via the DriveItems resource.

Creating ARM Templates was easier than I thought

Recently I have been getting my teeth into Infrastructure as Code (IAC) and particularly Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates. Initially, I saw these things as potentially large JSON files with a massive schema and something that could consume my time learning, causing me to question if I actually wanted to learn it. Although I am still very novice at ARM Templates and their full capabilities, I was very surprised at how easy they were to create and get going.

Dynamic content for email signatures in Outlook (an exercise in being lazy)

Every second week at OnePlace Solutions, our very enthusiastic marketing manager tells everyone in the company to update their email signature. Typically it is just changing the image below our name to show what event we are at next, or highlighting a particular product or feature recently worked on. The image is also hyperlinked to a blog post or news item describing what we want to highlight further. As many people in the world understand, this is a pain in the butt; add to this the struggle said marketing manager has by ensuring everyone has done the change to the signature correctly and a timely fashion.

Concurrent IO read or write operations with HTTPWebRequest

Recently when using the HTTPWebRequest class to stream a file up to a SharePoint Online Document Library, I was consistently coming across the following issue: System.NotSupportedException: The stream does not support concurrent IO read or write operations. What was really annoying about that message is, I was not doing any concurrent operations but passing blocks of data one at a time. I also noticed it was consistently bombing out around the 2MB stage of the upload.

Adding LaunchDarkly to your Angular CLI Application

Creating an angular app from scratch is annoying and time consuming. The easiest option is to use the Angular CLI to create a new app and its components; this gets you up and running very quickly. What I am talking about below is how to add the LaunchDarkly JavaScript library to an Angular CLI application, which uses Webpack to bundle your good work and throws a bit of a spanner in the referencing of files.

Sending VSTS Build and Release messages to Microsoft Teams

A while back I noticed a VSTS add-in for sending messages to Slack from a VSTS Build or Release process. This was a great idea and thought that mentioned that it would be great to have an equivalent for Microsoft Teams, to which the response was: Maybe an opportunity to contribute a similar one for Teams? :-) — Buck Hodges (@tfsbuck) December 28, 2016 Microsoft has already created Microsoft Teams integration to VSTS, but it is using service hooks and you cannot create a personalised message as part of the build process.